Here you will find the answers to frequently asked questions concerning your housekeeping staff.
Download the Domestic Helpers and Domestic Workers Act in its entirety as a PDF file.
What is the maximum hours worked per week for my housekeeping staff?
The maximum permissible number of hours worked per week depends on whether or not the service member lives in the service household and whether the person has reached the age of 18 or is younger.
The specified hours refer to the period of 2 weeks!
Employee, younger than 18, in household: max 100 h
Employee, older than 18, in household: max 110 h
Employee, younger than 18, not living in a household: max 80 hours
Employee, older than 18, not in household: max 86 h
What notice period must be observed by both parties for domestic staff?
In principle, the notice period is 14 days. It cannot be reduced below one week by agreement. For employment relationships involving services of a higher nature, the notice period is six weeks. It cannot be reduced below one month by agreement.
How long can a probationary period be assessed?
A probationary period may only be agreed up to the maximum duration of one week.
During the agreed probationary period, the employment relationship may be terminated by either party at any time without notice.
How many days per week can my housekeeping staff work and how many days off do I need to consider?
The daily working hours shall be mutually agreed between the employer and the employee. The minimum prescribed rest period and rest breaks must be observed. Employees are entitled to one afternoon off on a workday from 2 p.m. each week. Every second Sunday should be a work-free day.
The working week days are derived from this and from the maximum weekly working time.
Do I have to register an au pair, that is, pay social security contributions?
A ruling of the Administrative Court of November 16, 2005, provides that au pair contracts are not subject to different rules than other employment relationships with regard to social security obligations.